
検索キーワード「a major scale violin」に一致する投稿を表示しています

コレクション e major scale violin 583714-E major scale violin one octave

A Major E Major D Major wwwShawnBouckecom Violin 1 and 2 Octave Major Shawn Bouck24 Preludes and Scales (Wallace, William Vincent) Preludes with Chords and Scales (Carnaby, William) S Scale and Chord Exercises for the Violin (Ritter, Ernst W) Scale Studies for the Violin (Schradieck, Henry) A Scale with 12 Notes (Gardner, Herbert Straus) ScaleStudies for Violin (Hřímalý, Jan) ScaleStudies, Op25 (Snoer, Johannes)G Major Scale Now, let's look at a chart that shows the notes of the G major scale You can see the finger numbers at the side of the chart Each note in blue is a 'member' of the G major scale, which is one of the first scales you'll learn to play on the violin Violin Scales Ideas Violin Scales Violin Music Lessons E major scale violin one octave